2019 13 Celsius Sauvignon Blanc

Hello All! I hope you’re having a good weekend. It was an interesting weekend weather wise. Saturday was warm and in the 70’s, but a bit windy. However, it made me think of spring and summer which I always do in January because I get tired of winter. Of course, I can say that when the winters in Dallas are much less brutal than elsewhere, but it’s relative. My pallor might not reflect it, but I’m a warm-weather lady. When I think of spring and summer, I think of white wine and I found a good one. It’s 13 Celsius Sauvignon Blanc made at 13 Celsius Vineyards in the Marlborough region of Australia where many good Sauvignon Blanc wines are made. I tasted citrus, melon, and a slight apple undertone. It has a crispness to it oftentimes associated with its minerality and the soil in which it’s grown. I enjoyed this wine and it is definitely a good white wine for summer and for those who don’t like a heavy white. You can find it at Total Wines for around $11.00 which makes it a great buy.

2018 Treana Blanc

Happy 2021! I say that with an exclamation of a new year and new hope although I say it with a bit of trepidation. I enjoyed a good holiday season as I hope everyone else has as well. I’m remiss in my posts, so going to catch up. Prior to Thanksgiving (yeah I know this is way past due), I went to the grocery store to purchase the turkey and some side items. I spent more in wine than in turkey and sides…sigh. Nonetheless, Jake from Market Street (not State Farm) helped me make some selections in the wine department. I’ve enjoyed a few and will blog about them. However, Jake from Market Street made a bold statement about the 2018 Treana Blanc. He said it was the perfect wine pairing for Thanksgiving dinner. Now that’s bold, so I went ahead and bought a bottle and chilled it at 55 degrees per his guidance. My sister, some friends and family and I drank it with our dinner. Treana is part of the Hope Family wines that includes Austin Hope Cabernet Sauvignon, which I enjoy. This was not the perfect wine pairing for Thanksgiving dinner. It was almost too complex in and of itself to pair with Thanksgiving in my opinion. Normally a bold red or a strong white are a good complement, but this just didn’t do it for me. I tasted notes of melon and some peach from this blend of Viognier, Marsanne, and Roussanne grapes. I’m a big fan of a Viognier, but not as familiar with Marsanne and Roussanne. The others who tried this felt this wasn’t the perfect pairing either. This was just my opinion, so perhaps other palettes will better enjoy this. You can find it at Market Street for just under $30 per bottle.

My failed attempt at just buying turkey and sides for 2020 Thanksgiving