2020 Musings

It’s a Numbers Game…I’ve always defined myself by numbers. Numbers like grades in school, GPA, clothing size, weight, height, money made, people with whom I was acquainted, the things I had, even number of “likes” I get on Facebook, etc. Numbers like the grades I didn’t get, the GPA I didn’t attain, the clothing size I can’t seem to get back into, the weight I can’t seem to keep off, the money not made, people with whom I’m not acquainted, things I didn’t have, number of people who didn’t “like” my Facebook post, etc. However, what would it be like to hold myself accountable to the number of people I helped, the number of people I greeted in a given day, the number of people I prayed for, the number of square meals I could fund, the number of times I was a true friend to someone. These are the numbers that should define me and I hope, with this self-reflection, I can at least start to shift my focus. Maybe I can even hold myself accountable for the number of times I count my successes at this as opposed to number of my failures at it. Anyway…these are the things I’m pondering while sitting with my head in my hands trying to figure out why these three strands of Christmas lights aren’t working…