2016 Old Cannery Row Monterey County Chardonnay

We’re officially into the new year, so back to work, exercise, and budgeting.  January is not my favorite month.  It’s after the holidays, it’s cold and full of resolutions.  Resolution has a few meanings per Merriam-Webster.  It can mean “the act of determining” such as a when someone makes a New Year’s Resolution.   It can also mean “the point in a literary work at which the chief dramatic complication is worked out”.  The resolution to my resolution has been worked out – I’m not making a resolution and saving myself from a “chief dramatic complication”.   I want to talk about something more exciting anyway.  I want to talk about wine.  Shocking huh.  I tried the 2016 Old Cannery Row Monterey County Chardonnay over the holidays.  This wine is from the Wagner Family who also make Conundrum wines.  I caught a slight musty smell to it, but that smell didn’t reflect in the overall taste.  I tasted notes of apricot and apple.  It was a medium-bodied, oaky Chardonnay which is what I enjoy.  I would recommend this wine if you like an oaky Chardonnay.  It went well with a chicken dish as well as cheese.   You could drink it on its own as well.  You can find it at Total Wines for $19.99 per bottle.

2 Replies to “2016 Old Cannery Row Monterey County Chardonnay”

  1. I just discovered that my absolute favorite wine, Old Cannery Row, has been discontinued at Total Wines. Do you know where else I can find it? Have they stopped making it?

    1. Hi Jacqueline! I still find it on Total Wines website and in their local Dallas, Texas area stores. However, in a search online, I don’t see it available through other sellers. Try having it shipped to you via Total Wines if you’re not finding it in the local market. I have also reached out to Wagner Family wines to see if they can provide other avenues to purchase it. I’ll keep you posted!

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