St. Patrick’s Day 2018!!

Dia dhaoibh.   That’s Gaelic for hello.  I’m hiding behind my written word as I have no idea how to pronounce that.  I know tomorrow is a day of celebration for many given it is St. Patrick’s Day.  I also know that some folks are not a fan of beer, but may find themselves in a pub or bar centered around beer.   Many of these pubs have expanded their selection of drinks to include better wines.  They have even turned into gastropubs offering great food too.   However, you may find yourself at a pub that doesn’t care about whether or not your snooty-snoot tastes are met from their wine menu.  As such, you may need an alternative drink.  The great news is that many of them offer beer on tap and offer you a taste before you buy.  They also might offer a flight so you can figure out which beer you want to drink.  Beer offerings these days are very broad, so you might just find something.   Try a cider if you like some slightly sweet wines.   Chimay offers some fruit-based options such as their Chimay Premiere style.  Try a Blue Moon or like-type if you like a citrus-based flavor.   If nothing else works, Michelob Ultra works as is very mild with little to no hoppy taste.  If you are just not a beer fan, then grab a Jameson Irish whiskey straight, on the rocks or with ginger ale and lime.  You could even try an Old Fashioned with sugar, bitters and a twist of lemon and/or orange.   Whatever you do this weekend, have fun and be safe.  Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Ireland is a beautiful country with some of the friendliest people.

2015 Conundrum Red Wine

Hi All -I hope you have had a good weekend and were able to spring forward successfully.    I do enjoy its staying light later, but it takes a bit to get used to losing the hour.   Per Wikipedia, DST clock shifts sometimes complicate timekeeping and can disrupt travel, billing, record keeping, medical devices, heavy equipment, and sleep patterns.  It creates quite a Conundrum with many….which leads us into today’s wine review.   I’m reviewing the 2015 Conundrum Red Wine.  Literary genius with the tie-in there?  I think so.  The Conundrum Red Wine is a great red wine with notes of chocolate and some floral essence.    This is a medium-bodied red with some fruit notes, but not too overwhelming.  I enjoyed it with great friends, so that always adds to the review.  I’d recommend this wine for a person who wants to try a red, but doesn’t like one that is too bold.    You can find this wine at grocery stores for around $22.00 per bottle.  Have a great week!

Marchese dell’ Elsa Moscato d’Asti

Hi All! I hope you have had a great weekend and are ready to move into the week. Saturday, in the Dallas area, was a great day to enjoy some warmer temps. It was in the 60’s and sunny, so it just gave us a slight taste of Spring. This type of weather makes me think of lighter wine. I bought the Marchese dell’ Elsa Moscato d’Asti a few weeks ago and decided to try it. I am not a great fan of a Moscato given its sweet nature. Oaky, earthy, bold, and even pungent are the best adjectives to describe my personality and the wines I enjoy for the most part. Sweet and bubbly are not. However, I want to entertain different varietals, so decided to depart from my ways. I can open up my thinking if allowed to breathe a bit. I tried this sparkling Moscato and detected apple, floral and honey notes. It held its own against some mildly spicy items. You could probably pair it with fruit as well. This wine is from Piedmont, Italy and is created from the Muscat Blanc à Petits grape. It didn’t increase my overall effervescence, but I did enjoy this wine. I had to stop at one glass given it was pretty sweet but would recommend this wine if you are a Moscato fan. You can find it at Total Wines for around $12.00 per bottle. Have a great week!