Happy Sunday!! I hope your weekends went well and you enjoyed some down time (wine down time included…shameless attempt there). I want to start this blog by saying that no matter how bad a day you have and how little you have in your refrigerator to eat, you should never take it out on the wine. That said, I had a stupendously bad day this past Thursday and didn’t have any food in the refrigerator. I opened my 2014 Devil’s Backbone Chardonnay while rummaging through the refrigerator and pantry. Note that if I hadn’t said it before, I like medium oak Chardonnays so this might not be for everyone. As best I can tell, it was an enjoyable oak-based wine apple and maybe pear, but take this review with a grain of salt. I paired it with Crunchy Cheetos. I don’t even want to know what the orange Cheetos powder is made of, but I didn’t let that stop me. The wine did the best it could. I didn’t. This wine can be found at Kroger for less than $20 per bottle. Here’s to the ability to plan and to stocked refrigerators everywhere.