Hi All! I hope you’ve had an excellent week. My friend, Bob, wanted an opinion on wine in cans. Well I’ve conducted research on one sample. I purchased the 2015 Underwood Pinot Noir a few weeks ago, but hadn’t yet tried it. I know the year because it’s stamped on the bottom of the can. I can appreciate that, but was really hoping to see the “Born On” date. I popped the top and tried to drink it from the can. It wasn’t long before I poured it into a glass. I might have grown up in Lubbock, Texas and, allegedly, tried beer from a beer bong, but I just can’t drink wine from a can. It is a light Pinot Noir with a slight sulfur taste, but with a hint of fruit and chocolate. Believe it or not, that combination, and its subtlety, worked pretty well. It wasn’t a heavy Pinot and was a pretty good wine to drink by itself. I don’t always drink wine but, when I do, I’m going to drink it from a can. You can get this can of wine at Total Wines for close to $5 per can. Enjoy your weekend!