2014 Simi Chardonnay – Sonoma County

Hi All! I hope you’re having a great week. It’s been a bit of a long week for me (thank you to the ridiculous hackers who create Ransomware – you suck), but it always ends on a high note when I can wind down toward the weekend with a good Chardonnay. I tried the 2014 Simi Chardonnay – Sonoma County. Simi says that this wine has notes of pineapple, peach, pear and green apple. I did taste the slight hint of green apple, vanilla and peach and did also note the light butter and a hint of oak. Simi also says that they incorporate hazelnut, nutmeg, and smoky bacon characteristics. I did not taste bacon at all which is too bad – bacon and Chardonnay is a party. I did enjoy this wine and would recommend it. It is great for drinking with fish or chicken or on its own while sitting on the patio enjoying the wind, hail, lightening, or whatever weather pattern comes your way. You can find it at most grocery stores for around $17-$18 per bottle. Oh and RIP Chris Cornell – great musician. Enjoy your weekend and be safe from all weather or hacker-related issues!!